Branden’s Little League Season Ends – 2006 Padres

What a great Little League year.

Wildomar Little continues to improve as it grows. 2 new baseball fields were built thanks to the efforts of many people.

DSC00017Branden’s team, the AA Padres did quite well in the second half of the season where they really came into their own. The infield defense was pretty solid for a AA team. Offense was hit and miss (really, no pun intended). Some days everyone hit well and others no one did. Branden was the starting pitcher for most games throughout the season and pitched well enough to get the coveted Cy “Really” Young award!

Austin Teegarden came into his own pitching great relief during the second half. Hanna Wilson got the Padres “Most Improved”. Hanna finally started hitting during the last couple of games and the home crowd went wild when she got her first hit. Talk about fan support!

Carter Lee was a solid defensive shortstop and got some great hits. Luke Allenbauch, our smallest and youngest player, was amazing defensively and offensively. Nick had the best attitude of a kid I’ve ever seen, nothing fazed him and he played with a smile on his face no matter what happened. He played great, but even when things didn’t go well he just kept grinning (He was just happy to be playin’ ball.)

The Padres didn’t make the playoffs but came close during the last games and finally got knocked out of the running while making up the last couple innings of a postponed game with the Diamond Backs.


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