Yes, 9:30 am (Eastern). So we slept in, we’re on vacation!
Bailey went straight to Wendy to play Hide n Seek again. We had a wonderful breakfast of rasin bread french toast.
We found a very local childrens science museum and spent quite some time exploring the interactive exibits, Branden spent what seemed like a couple of hours building an airplane out of pieces of wood and cardboard. He used various hand tools like a hand cranked drill, a hand saw and a coping saw and a screw driver and Glue.
Then we went on a historical tour of Concord with our Historian – Dave who was much more informative and interesting than any of my school teachers who stuck to Where and When and Who. Dave went into the why and the how which made History much more interesting. Branden was particularly interested in all things WAR. Viloence and powerful things like guns and cannons fascinate 9 year olds. We visited a graveyard in Concord, Sleepy Hollow, where some famous authors are buried, and where some Revolutionary War heros are buried. We visited the sites of Battles and gazed at monuments. We saw the site where Paul Revere was captured and held in arrest during his famous ride. “The Regulars are Out!!!” was the actual phrase not the popular reworded “The British are Coming” as it was pointed out that technically we were all British at that point.
We explored right through lunch and stopped around 4:00 pm for Ice Cream. We had a late dinner at a small Italian place and called it a night.