Garage Sale Success

Two weekends of Garage Sale Madness have finally left us with a few extra dollars and much more room in our garage. We were amazed at the things people would pay for, and also amazed at the things people wouldn’t pay for. There were McDonalds Happy Meal toys that kids were paying 25 cents for, and a 3 year old Dishwasher that no one would even make an offer on. I offered an ultra lightweight one man tent purchased new for around $100.00 and used only a couple of times for $15.00. I still have it.

The next amazing thing we found out, is that if you leave something you don’t want on the curb, it will be gone before morning most likely. This realization comes with a warning, if you want it, don’t leave it at the curb, or anywhere in sight of the curb.

We’ve moved all our excersize equipment into the garage along with a small TV and can actually use it as another room of the house!!! Now if we can just keep it that way…


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