Hi all Ortega Highway Commuters, I am planning to post my travel times as well as images of the Ortega Hwy (SR-74) construction project. I will also post links to any news stories I find.
I’ve already started with travel times, see below…
You can chat with me on occasion when I’m online during the day from my chat page, or leave a comment just to have your footprint here.
If you comment, try to some details about your route like mileage, start and end times, and any observations you think others might be interested in.
Josh from Murietta chatted with me today and told me he tried the southern route on SR-76 today because Ortega took him over 2 hours last night.
Good luck with your drive all. 3 years is a long time to deal with an extra 40 minutes round trip each day. I take an average of 2 weeks off each year which leaves 250 days of commuting, times 40 minutes, equals 166 additional hours per year. Multiply that by 3 years and you get 20.75 24 hour days of additional commute for the construction duration.
Regards, Keith